Slush Invaders is a series created by Gildedguy dedicated to his hall mates in college. The first trace known of the series publicly was a preview posted to Gildedguy’s Facebook page on May 3, 2011, and the full animation was posted to Youtube days later on May 10, 2011.
As previously stated, Slush Invaders is dedicated to GG’s hall mates, so the main setting of the series takes place in Slusher Wing in the Virginia Tech dorms.
More content was later created for the series, such as an additional animation featuring Sthomas and Stucker, two games, and smaller stuff I’ll be talking about on this page!
Release: May 10, 2011
The first animation, Slush Invaders, is an introduction to the Slush Fighters and their biggest enemies: the Blues. It was GG’s first sponsored animation. It took around 4 months to make and is the oldest video publicly available on GG’s Youtube channel.
It has around an 8 minute runtime but a lot happens, so if you’re interested in a summary you can check this page. My thoughts? I think the animation is fun, and I really enjoyed seeing the characters interact with each other!
Release: November 16, 2013
Youtube Release: January 8, 2014
Slush Invaders Duel features Sthomas and Stucker captive and fighting. It happens during the events of the Slush Invaders: Game (I’ll be talking about it later) and is the most viewed Slush Invaders video on Youtube. To sum up what happens, the Blues make Sthomas and Stucker fight in an arena but they team up against them during the end and get recaptured.My thoughts? I think the animation still holds up in quality to this day and the characters have a super fun dynamic!! The song is also really catchy and introduced me to Swingfly’s music (along with “Winner” featured in the first animation.)
Slush Invaders: Game
Release: July 6, 2012
Slush Invaders: Game (also known as Slush Invaders 2) is a sequel to the original Slush Invaders animation. Almost all of the Slush Fighters are captured and the rest of the members have to save them. I personally don’t have much experience with the game and have only played it so much so I don’t have much to say, but based on what I’ve seen the attack animations and cutscenes are really cool and I really love the soundtrack!
Slush Tile Rush
Release: October 31, 2014
Slush Tile Rush is a combative match-3 game and a follow up to the events that happened in Slush Invaders: Game. After defeating Big Blue, Slush Fighters have to return home, greeted by many enemies as they do. I have played the game on both mobile and PC (I’ve beat it like once lol) but it’s one of my favorite games in the series! It doesn’t include every Slush Fighter like the previous game, but I still do think the gameplay is really fun and I enjoy playing it whenever i get the chance to!
Other Media
Slush Dungeon
Slush Dungeon is a cancelled action platformer game GG worked on from 2013-2015. The game was inspired by The Binding of Issac and the Tales series, and featured Stucker, Sthomas, and Stick Michael breaking each other free from cages the Blues trapped them in. It included dynamic skits and randomly generated maps. The game was cancelled due to projects like Slush Invaders Duel and Slush Tile Rush. The first post to talk about the game was posted on January 10, 2014 and the post announcing its cancellation was posted on May 24, 2015. It is still available to download on GG’s website.Merchandise
The stickers are a part of a set of 13 stickers GG started selling in 2016. It included Sthang, Stucker, and Sthomas. The stickers are unfortunately no longer available to buy.
There are three Slush Invaders posters: All Out Sneak Attack, Dead Center Live Target, and Future Stories Key Art (No longer include Sthomas and Stucker as of 2023.) These posters ARE for sale, but are apart of a double sided poster you can buy, making them the only purchasable Slush Invaders merchandise at the moment.
There is a sticker sheet that includes Sthomas and Stucker and is available when you subscribe to Gildedguy’s Patreon. It is included in the $100/month care package.
You can also request Slush Invaders thank-you cards when buying from Gildedguy.
The Sthang shirt is a unique case because there’s only one of its kind and it was for a giveaway posted in back in 2013 on Facebook.
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A few short animations featuring a couple of Slush Fighters!
There is a lot of extra content posted on the Slush Invaders Facebook page, like concept art and doodles by GG. I found some good information I used in this shrine here!Cameos
Slush Invaders has made some small cameos in Gildedguy’s Story series, such as Vs. Bog where Sthomas, Stucker, and Ben Stickobi appear twice for a few seconds, or Gildedguy Gets Up where Sthang is sitting behind Gildedguy.
I found out about Slush Invaders through Stickpage during August of 2021 because I liked Xiao Xiao at the time and needed a new series to get into. I watched Slush Invaders Duel first and was blown away by the animation and watched Slush Invaders afterwards. It’s an on-going interest for me, it’s not really there constantly but it’s something in the back of my mind that I like thinking about!
My favorites are Stucker, Sthomas, Stickyle, Stedro, Stickluke, and Sthang :D